James Taylor could not have summed it up better when he sang...
Oh, Mexico
I've never really been, but I'd sure like to go
Oh, Mexico
I guess I'll have to go
Oh, Mexico
It sounds so sweet with the sun sinking low
Moon's so bright like to light up the night
Make everything all right
So I took his advice and after working and living Guatemala for four months I felt it was time for a much needed vacation and I just had to go. Where to you ask? MEXICO! Last Friday, Yvonne, Erika and I took off for a week in Mexico. We planned to travel up to San Cristobal de las Casas for a few days and then make our way back down to Tapachula to go to the beach.
We arrived in San Cristobal Friday evening, after a long 12 hour drive, in time to check in to our hotel and head out for a fun dinner. When we arrived at our hotel it was not exactly what we expected and we were put in a room that was hardly big enough for one, let alone three. We decided to stay for the night and figure out another option in the morning. We walked through the cobblestone streets lined with restaurants and cafes and lit up by little white lights and enjoyed a flavorful Mexican dinner.
After changing hotels we spent the next three days wandering the streets, exploring the city, visiting the different markets, eating, reading and relaxing. We spent hours at the amazing artisan and textile market that was set up outside of an old church. We walked through the isles and isles of colorful fabrics, clothes, jewelry and bags.
Following the textile and artisan market we made our way through the streets to the traditional food market. The food market was packed with people and we had to squeeze through..I guess that is part of the experience. There was everything from fruit and vegetables to spices and meat. They arrange all of the food in little pyramids at each market stand and there was every fruit you could think of, from mangos and pineapples to strawberries and blackberries. And...yes the women in the last picture is carrying a live chicken tied around her arms.

After two amazing days spent in the city we decided to take a day tour to one of the many attractions outside of the city. We headed out early one morning to take a boat tour through el Cañón del Sumidero, which is about a 45 minute drive outside of the city. The tour was amazing---first of all I had never seen a canyon before and second of all the cliffs were 900 meters above sea level and were towering over us. The river flows through the middle of the canyon and into the Gulf of Mexico.
Three great days in San Cristobal exploring the city and enjoying a break from work and life at NPH. From there the vacation continued and only got better.....
Check back for another blog post on part two of our trip to Mexico.