After spending a few days in San Cristobal we hopped on a 7 hour bus ride down to the south of Mexico, on some very windy roads, to the city of Tapachula. Who did we find there, but Jose's parents, there amazing home and their amazing generosity and hospitality.

We spent the next four days relaxing and enjoying our vacation to the extreme. Jose's parents were nice enough to host us in their beautiful home in Tapachula as well as bring us to their breathtaking beach house 30 minutes outside the city. Their house is high on a hill in the city and surrounded by the most tropical trees and plants (my favorites being the avocado tree and mango tree). We spent the evenings playing cards on the terrace, enjoying Mexican beers, and eating delicious food! We spent the days at the BEACH!
We woke up every morning and enjoyed the most amazing breakfast, of eggs, fruit, bread, mango juice and coffee, out on the patio. After breakfast we were off to the beach! We spent all day at the beach house...I literally spent all day on the beach, but Yvonne and Erika enjoyed lounging on the rafts in the pool. We literally did nothing--it could not have been more relaxing. I read, slept, swam and walked the beach--picture perfect. The beach house is mostly outside under the shade of a thatched roof where we lounged in the hammocks and enjoyed lunch. We tried all different types of traditional Mexican food and traditional dishes from the area...I found some new favorites!
Hours spent by the pool! |
Erika and Yvonne enjoying the pool! |
Daily spread of amazing food for lunch! |
Nothing like an ice cold Mexican beer after hours on the beach.
Favorite new snack: Coconut (knocked out of a tree with a large stick of course and then cut open with a machete) sprinkled with lime juice and salt. |
Step 1: Knock a coconut out of a tree with a large stick |
Step 2: Squeeze fresh lime juice over the coconut |
Step 3: Sprinkle a little salt over the coconut and enjoy! |
Favorite new drink: Mango juice (from the mangos off the tree outside the house)
Breakfast on the patio--fresh mango juice and all! |
Favorite new desert: Boli -- which is ice cream, milk and ice blended together (like a frappe) and then it is put in a small plastic bag and frozen. They come in all different flavors, but my favorites are cafe (coffee) and cacacuate (peanut). So refreshing while out in the sun all day!
Enjoying our bolis! |
We stayed at the beach until the sun went down each night and it was even hard to leave then. We could not have been more lucky to be welcomed by Jose's parents and been able to share in this beautiful place with them....literally a little piece of paradise!
Who would want to leave this?
Looks so beautiful!!!