Today marks six months since I arrived at NPH and embarked on this adventure--I can't believe how fast time has flown by. And yes Molly and I made each other big signs to hang in our office--to commemorate the day! I am not saying it has all flown by--there have definitely been the days that drag on forever and even the hours that seem as if they will never end, but all in all six months has passed in the blink of an eye. Even though the time has gone quickly I have done so much in the past six months--met so many people who I have grown to know and love, had many new experiences, was pushed out of my comfort zone, had many ups and downs, had a visitor from the States, improved my spanish, celebrated birthdays and holidays and completed half of my year here at NPH. There is one week left until we say goodbye to the volunteers who have been here with us for the past six months---showing us the way and the new volunteers have arrived who will we teach and guide through there first six months here.
Making guacamole during "tia time"! |
Some memories from the past six months...I have:
-Survived being a tia during Semana Santa
-Celebrated Easter/Semana Santa Guatemalan style
-Been a proud/smiling parent while the girls danced their Quinceañera waltz
-Helped put together Peter Pan (chapin style)
-Swam in the most crystal clear pools in Semuc Champey
-Traveled to Mexico for a week and had the most amazing time with Jose's parents
-Climbed volcano number two--escorted by a sixty year old man with a machete
- Spent a weekend at the beach with all the volunteers
-Seen the most amazing sunsets
Semana Santa in Parramos. |
-Kayaked on Lake Atitlan
-Done yoga outside under a canopy of trees
-Had a visitor from the States---Christine!!!!!
-Celebrated the 4th of July Guatemalan style (aka-a flag cake and sparklers)
-Celebrated Molly's birthday--chocolate chip pancakes and all!
-Gotten closer and enjoyed every moment I have spent with my section of girls
-Made so many breakthroughs in the classroom with behavior and English
-Met the new nine volunteers
-Graduated from being a new volunteer to an old volunteer
The cast of Peter Pan--before the first show! |
Pools at Semuc Champey! |
The amazing beach in Mexico! |
Volcano hike number 2--overlooking the lake and
the soccer field. |
Sunset on the boat over to the beach--Puerto Iztapa! |
Yah for Christine coming to visit--San Pedro with liquados! |
Happy Birthday Moll! |
My girls jumping off the tv table and taking photos!!! |
New and old volunteers! |
All that has happened in the last six months only leads me to believe that the six months that are ahead of me will be amazing. Mom is coming in two weeks and I am heading to California in Oct. for Caleb and Jenn's wedding. Before I know it it will be time to head back to the states. I am definitely not ready yet and I look forward spending the next six months hanging out with my girls, getting to know the new volunteers, finishing the school year and going on vacation. Here is to the next six months!!!
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