Saturday, May 28, 2011

Estoy agradecida de...

Quinceañera has finally arrived...

Today is the day these 12 girls have been waiting for for so long. It is the day that they get to get all dressed up in dresses and heals, wear make up and fancy hair styles and the whole house celebrates their transition from childhood to women hood. This is a day all about them.

Last night we had our final practice and we made the final changes on the waltz that will be danced today in front of the house, family and friends. The kids have all been working so hard over the past few months we decided to treat them to pizza and a little celebration after our last practice. When practice was finished we all made our way over to the library to enjoy some pizza!

Before we began we asked each quinceañera and their partner to say what this big day meant to them and something they were thankful for. As we went around the circle each girl sincerely shared how much this all meant to them. Some spoke about how at first they did not want to partake in quinceañera because they did not have any family to share it with, but then they realized this is a once in a life opportunity that not everyone was given. Many spoke about how they were thankful to the house because if they were not at NPH they would not be having a quinceañera. Others spoke about how proud they felt that they had or were turning fifteen and got to partake in this ceremony and...not one failed to mention how thankful they were that Molly, Erika and I took our personal time to help them with the waltz that they are going to preform this afternoon. They all recognized that we have other things we could be doing and how appreciative and loved they felt that we chose to dedicate hours to practicing with them. These kids have all come so far over the past few months and I know Molly, Erika and I could not be more proud.

To express how proud we were and how we noticed that each person brought something to the group we decided to make awards for each quinceañera and their partner. The awards ranged from how much they had improved, to if they had been a leader or how enthusiastic they might have been. Before the pizza party we handed out the awards, some of which were:

-La que más ha mejorado/El que más ha mejorado (The most improved couple)
-El premio de liderazgo (The leadership award)
-Más dedicado (Most dedicated)
-La más sonriente/El más sonriente (The "always smiling" award)
-La pareja más Unida (The best teamwork)
-La persona con más entusiasmo (Most enthusiastic/spirit award)

The night could not have been more of a success and I can't wait to see what today brings.

The whole group with their awards!

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