Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Vacation?

Since arriving here at NPH almost a year ago (which I can't believe) I have definitely experienced some ups and some downs. The hardest times for me here have not been when I am missing my family, my friends or the luxuries of home, but when I see the pain and the suffering these children have had and still have in their lives.

December and the time around Christmas is probably one of the hardest times at NPH because those that have family members are allowed to spend the holiday season with them, which leaves around 100 kids here for the weeks leading up to Christmas. The children that stay at NPH for the month of December either do not have any family, their family can't afford to take care of them during this time or the judge will not allow them to go with their family for various other reasons. To some kids this does not matter--Christmas is a time to be with family and that is where they want to be.

The kids that are here at NPH for this time are on Christmas vacation and as volunteers we are trying to make it as fun and festive as possible, but we can only do so much. As a child I remember Christmas vacation as the highlight of the year. We would spend the week leading up to Christmas sledding, drinking hot chocolate, playing outside with friends, decorating the Christmas tree and playing games in front of the fire. Here things look a little different........

I wish I could provide these kids with the love, the happiness and the Christmas spirit that I have always felt growing up, but as we are living with the kids I am trying to find the balance of being strict so they respect me and listen to me and being loving as a parent would. I find myself somedays just wanting to say to the kids forget about the chores, forget about your worries and your pain, just go outside and play--that's what being a kid is all about.

Each day that I spend here I am more and more thankful for the life I have been given, the opportunities that have been presented to me, the family and friends that I have by my side and the overwhelming Christmas spirit that is always alive and always will be alive in my home and in my heart.

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