Friday, August 19, 2011

Beauty Pageants and Soccer Games

This Thursday and Friday marked the anniversary of the school here at NPH Guatemala. What do we do to celebrate the anniversary of the school you ask?? Not have school. We have spent the past two days celebrating with a mixture of class, style and of course soccer. Thursday was a day of cultural events and by cultural events I mean a beauty pageant. We had our very own NPH beauty pageant. It was the real deal-- there were different categories, the girls changed outfits and there was even a question and answer portion. One girl from each grade was elected to participate in the pageant, which gave us a total of ten girls competing from the ages of four to sixteen. The started with a sports outfit and each girl walked down the "runway" and continued with traditional dress and evening wear. The girls also put on a dance for the audience and at the end they were each asked a question. After a morning of glitz and glamour the winners were announced...drumroll please......
There were six different categories and here are the winners
showing off their sashes,  crowns and even wands!

Mariela (from my section) in the question and
answer portion of the pageant.
Even Yeimy (preschool candidate) got to say
her share in front of the audience.
Yeimy being crowned "Niña NPH".
Juana (from my section) being crowned
 "Señorita Independencia".
So proud of Juana (with her sister, Estrella and Enma)
Tia Eva and Juana
(Estrella and Enma in the background)
Beauty Queen!
After a day full of glitz and glam yesterday today was a day full of sports, predominantly soccer. Another school came to visit for the day and there were soccer matches all morning. My girls played in two games in the morning and of course WON!!!! But don't worry the princesses from yesterday were not playing they were all in their cute outfits still sporting their sashes and crowns! It was quite the celebration!
Flor and Yohana going for the goal.
Fighting for the ball.
Action shot-Estrella!
"Señorita Independencia" and Esme cheering 
on the sidelines.

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