Every Friday I walk down a winding dirt path, looking ahead at the mountains and volcanos, to the babies house to teach English to the kids in Montessori. This is one of my favorite times of the week! I Never thought I would say it or admit it, but I miss teaching preschool. The Montessori program is for kids from 3 to 7 years old and it includes preschool, pre-kindergarten, and kindergarten. Upon entering the classroom I am greeted with many "hello teachers" and I join the students in their morning circle. When morning circle is finished I take the older half of the class (ranging from 4-7 years old) outside for our weekly English lesson. We gather around one of the picnic tables and begin our weekly lesson.
Every lesson begins with a song that gets the kids moving and listening to different commands in English. After we finish the song we talk about our two letters of the week, an activity I did with my class in DC, and then move on to our daily lesson. Over the past few weeks we have been learning colors in English. Each student has their own color book where they can draw and paste things that go with each color. (When I was making these I was told it was very obvious that I used to teach preschool in the US---thanks AppleTree.) After filling out each page of the book we have been going on scavenger hunts outside for items that are each color. Today was yellow and orange! Here are some pictures from the lesson.
Fatima, Cristina, Joseline, Concha, Ankayln and Yemiy found
an ORGANGE jaguar! |
Concha, Cristina, Yeimy, Fatima, and Ankayln spotted ORANGE! |
Concha and Cristina found the YELLOW roof! |
Concha sits on a YELLOW car! |
Yeimy and Joseline are honking a YELLOW horn.
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