Friday, February 11, 2011

Proyecto Familiar

Yesterday after work I had my first Proyecto Familiar, also known as family project. Each volunteer is required to do two Proyectos Famililares each month and you are assigned a family/siblings to spend a few hours with. During Proyecto Familiar you can do anything fun with the kids, from walking to Parramos to get icecream, to baking a cake, to playing games, or watching a movie. Proyecto Familiar is a great opportunity for siblings to spend time together in a relaxed and fun atmosphere because they are often separated in their living arrangements due to age and gender. Some kids who have older siblings in high school, which is 20-30 minutes away in Chimaltenango, rarely get to see their siblings apart from these elected times. The kids really enjoy having this time to hang out with their brothers and sisters and a volunteer and do something special.

My project yesterday was with two brothers, who I actually have in class, Deniss (15) and Abner (14). We spoke a few days before and decided on making a pizza, dough and all, and watching a movie. They were both very excited! Meghan, an old volunteer, and I went into Parramos during our lunch break and got all the necessary items to make pizza dough and the toppings for a delicious pizza. We met the boys in the English Department and got to work on an amazing pizza. Meghan and I had already made the dough and we brought all the toppings for the boys to help put on. We cut up peppers, onions, tomatoes and cheese and made a delicious looking pizza. Abner put on the finishing touch...all of our first initials written with cheese!

When we were done with the pizza I ran it down to the oven in the volunteers house, while the boys began watching Indiana Jones! I brought the steaming and delicious pizza back up when it was done and we all enjoyed our master piece while watching the movie. All in all I would say it was a great first Proyecto. I am looking forward to my next one in a few weeks.

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